
The 4-days long grand Sri Maharudram , a rare and unique Hindu Vedic ritual that will be organized at the Hindu Temple,  Omaha , Nebraska, USA on Labor Day Weekend (Aug  29 to  Sept 1 2013) .

Sri Rudram is one of the most sacred and powerful Vedic hymns devoted to Lord Shiva, Who destroys the evil and bestows Bliss and Peace and Harmony on the devotees and the community who do Rudra Paaarayana recitation of Sri Rudram. Chanting the Rudram and listening to the chanting are considered to be of great benefit to devotees. When the chanting is accompanied with the Vedic fire ritual, it is called the Rudra Yagam. Eleven recitations of the Sri Rudram followed by one recitation of the chamakam is called Ekadasa Rudram. This also constitutes one unit of the Rudra Homam. Eleven Ekadasa Rudram recitations make one Laghu Rudram. Eleven Laghu Rudram recitations make a Maharudram(11*11*11). This grand 3-days long Vedic ceremony is for the welfare of all devotees, their families and friends and all of humanity.

 Hindu Temple Committee,
Omaha,NE, USA